Sizzling South Indian beauty Priyamani, who played Ethnic role of Gangula Bhanumati, Suri Maddelachervu wife (played by Surya) in director-writer-producer of the Telugu, Hindi, Ram Gopal Varma Tamil in three languages Rakta Charitra upcoming movie, said he was initially afraid of working in Ram Gopal Varma movie.
National Prize for the actress to share her experiences of participation in Ram Gopal Varma with Rakta Charitra. "Nevertheless, my first trip to Mumbai to complete the survey has changed my perception completely. Working with RGV is a great experience and easier to deal with a lot," says Priyamani. The Director made the final decision to quit Priyamani, after he was impressed by her work in Paruthaveeran, won the National Award, she says.
Starring Vivek Oberoi, Shatrughan Sinha (Hindi), Mohan Babu (Telugu) and Radhika Apte in the lead roles, Rakta Charitra is the story of the rebels turned politician Paritala Ravi (Vivek Oberoi), one of the worst players in the blood, politics of South India. The film, currently in production, will be released in late 2010.