Prathi Roju, is the thriller movie featuring Bindu Madhavi in central role and Allari Ravi Babu in yet another major role. Directed by Raju Rajendra Prasad (an assistant to director Ravi Babu) and produced by V Nagender,
this movie is set to hit theaters on October 29th. The director crafted ‘Prathi Roju’ based on a few real life incidents. PS Vamsi Krishna’s camera work and Sam Prasan’s re-recording are said to be the highlights of the film.
These cute looking hot image stills of bindu madhavi are from her upcoming movie Pilla Zamidar with Nani Launch event. Hari Priya playing an other female lead of the movie.
this movie is set to hit theaters on October 29th. The director crafted ‘Prathi Roju’ based on a few real life incidents. PS Vamsi Krishna’s camera work and Sam Prasan’s re-recording are said to be the highlights of the film.