Ranbir Kapoor Birthdate: - 28 September 1982
City: Mumbai
Country: India
Height: 6' (1.83 m)
(1) At very first want to talk about Ranbir Kapoor Birthday Celebration with Hottest Priyanka Chopra who his co-star in upcoming film Anjaana Anjaani.
For Anjaana Anjaani promotion which is already released all over world at 1st October 2010, they were at KC College in Churchgate at that time this Hot Bollywood Couple had cake with fans.
(2) Deepika Padukone also wished him by Twitter and as per Deepika Padukone Twitter Page Updation, she wrote that, "Happy Birthday RK!! Wishing u loads of happiness & success... and good luck with AA."
(3) As per Latest Ranbir Kapoor Interviews, about his next Bollywood Upcoming Movies 2011, he said that, "I really don't see stardom. I'm a very detached person. I work for a film and am attached to that film while the film is going on. Once the film is over, it's out of my system. I don't care if my film is successful or not. You can't even do anything. Your work is over and you have got the money. You have worked hard for it. And then you just leave it to the audience and God. If success goes to your head or failure goes to your heart, it really changes you as a person. Thankfully, that hasn't happened to me yet"
"Luck has favored me. I was at the right place at the right time. I got the opportunity to work with new directors. I got to play good characters."
"I don't see stardom. I don't know what stardom is. I was born and brought up in a film family. I have seen my grandparents, parents, uncles and other relatives. I have seen stardom through them. I know what the limit of stardom is. This is just the beginning. Whatever I have achieved till now, I'm not happy with it. It's just 10 percent. I still have lots to achieve."
“I’m very immature and inexperienced as far as love is concerned. But if I do more films like Anjaana Anjaani I will understand love better. But till now I don’t think I have understood the emotion.”